Friday, July 31, 2020

Using Medical School Secondary Application Essay Samples

Using Medical School Secondary Application Essay SamplesStudents applying to medical schools have a choice of doing an essay or doing the same as secondary applicant samples. Many students choose to use these examples for their application essays, while others do not. Which type of essay to write depends on a number of factors.As an example, one of the most popular methods for medical school applications is to use medical school secondary application essay samples. By this we mean samples that are used as a guide or guidebook for students in writing their own medical school essays. The exact language in these applications is different from medical school essay writing, so students should know how to change the pattern and style to be able to write their own unique essay.Another thing to keep in mind when considering using medical school applications as a guide in writing your essay is that many of the essays written by medical school applicants for years are prewritten and very stand ardized. These prewritten examples can often be found online or in medical school classrooms, but they can also be found in books at your local library. Students can learn from these templates that they can incorporate into their own essays, but they also have to be aware of the fact that they are already written out and can contain more or less information than the student writing the essay.Another important thing to keep in mind when preparing for your own essay is that the essay should be unique and its focus should be your own uniqueness. In other words, the essay should contain only your own experiences, knowledge, and knowledge of the medical field. This means no references to any other students' experiences or the experiences of other people who apply to medical school. There should be no using the experience of other students in the essay.Medical school secondary application essays can vary in size and length. Some of them are basic two-page formats, while others might take up several pages and include so much detail about the life experiences and the education that students have already learned that it would take too long to go over them in detail here. Students need to take some time and plan their essays according to the length of the essay that they need to write, and according to how much time they think they will need to write the essay.Many medical school applicants, especially those who are seniors, will often use the essay samples that they have found when they begin writing their own essays. It is not uncommon for these students to come up with three or four different stories about their life experience, education, and training, and they can use these in order to start their own unique essay. This is a great way for the student to expand on what they already know about the medical field and help to bring to life their own life story. However, they should know that if they want to be unique, they will need to do their own research and find the ir own personal stories to tell in their medical school essays.Because of the importance of being unique in medical school admissions, the essays that students are required to write will have to be very detailed. The essays will be required to cover a lot of ground, and the student writing the essay will need to be as creative and original as possible. However, keeping in mind that the essays are written to give information about the applicant's life experience and life story, it should not contain personal opinions on anything. Any personal opinions should be left out of the essay so that the student is given a clear idea of what the life experience or the life story that they are talking about is about.Medical school applications can be a very long and grueling process, and medical school admissions and essays are not the easiest things to write. Students should keep these tips in mind when they choose to write their own essays to help them be as creative and unique as possible, w ithout having to worry about their specific essay not meeting the requirements of the school.

Monday, July 27, 2020

How to Find Good Specific Topics For a Definition Essay

The most effective method to Find Good Specific Topics For a Definition EssayThis article will disclose to you how to discover great explicit subjects for a definition paper. This can be one of the most troublesome parts of composing a school article, particularly on the off chance that you are new to how to characterize a particular idea or expression. Notwithstanding, there are tips and deceives that you can use to make your definition expositions all the more intriguing and simple to write.The first tip is to consider explicit subjects for a definition paper. Consider the sorts of subjects that you have just found out about in secondary school or school. Are there any inquiries regarding those subjects that you feel might be remembered for your exposition? Assuming this is the case, these are a portion of the points that you ought to remember for your essay.Once you know the kinds of subjects that you definitely think about, you have to consider mainstream thoughts and ideas that you have heard or found out about. A ton of times, this can be utilized to assist you with concocting a couple of explicit subjects for a definition paper. For instance, a portion of the well known thoughts for characterizing various things incorporate Aristotle's meaning of an issue, historical background, the comprehensive word reference, and the word reference's meaning of the importance of words. Furthermore, on the off chance that you know about at least one of these subjects, you may have the option to remember this for your exposition as a point for a definition.You can likewise go through basic definitions to accompany themes for a definition article. You can locate some incredible instances of basic definitions by basically doing an inquiry on Google. Probably the best instances of regular definitions for a definition exposition incorporate the word 'conjecture,' 'theory,' and 'hypothesis.'For the following tip, you will need to think of good inquiries for a definition pape r. These inquiries will give both of you various points that you can use in your definition. For instance, you can ask yourself: what does this say about a person?You can likewise ask yourself: what would this be able to demonstrate or discredit about potential contentions? These inquiries are critical when composing a definition exposition. The utilization of question marks can likewise be very useful in asking yourself an inquiry about the general contention that you are attempting to make in your essay.Finally, composing a decent theme for a definition is as simple as looking into the meaning of the term that you are attempting to use as a subject for a definition. For instance, the Oxford English Dictionary's meaning of the word definition is 'a particular record of something.' It is imperative to recall that your definition must be both explicit and justifiable to a reader.Now that you realize how to discover great explicit subjects for a definition paper, set aside some effort to investigate the various thoughts that you can use in your definition. There are a variety of subjects that you can discover and some of them may astonish you.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Studying Sample Narratives From the Library

Contemplating Sample Narratives From the LibraryStudying test accounts from the library is a priceless apparatus to expand your composing aptitudes. In any case, it can likewise be overpowering in the event that you are new to the specialty. An example paper or arrangement of articles can assist you with finding your own voice, while as yet keeping up a narrating voice.The tests of account exposition on library involvement with English can be exceptionally useful, yet it can likewise require some investment to get one of these. A ton of the time, most libraries offer these in their magazines or through extraordinary occasions and they will in general be costly. At the point when the magazine run is up, the following one will be costly as well.To make it simpler for you, there are test expositions accessible in eBooks, and these can frequently be downloaded right to your PC. Some of the time the exposition will be very extensive, at times shorter, and once in a while with some various scenes or areas included. There will likewise be distinctive style alternatives and a few people want to do it this way.You might need to incorporate your own accounts from the library. Regardless of whether you don't utilize it for your school affirmations article, you might need to incorporate your own encounters as you approach finding how your library helped you create as an author. On the off chance that you are composing an article about libraries and instruction, these can be an extraordinary method to include some knowledge into your writing.The tests of account paper on library involvement with English can be adjusted to different subjects too. Use them to discuss your adoration for learning, an administrator, or your library all in all. These can likewise assist you with seeing how you feel about your own library.Finding your own voice in your work is the way to making it stand apart from the rest.A library can be an astonishing spot to go on the off chance that you are s earching for motivation, and you ought to invest however much energy there as could reasonably be expected. A fascinating and different library is the thing that the library business needs, so you should get it in the event that you can.The tests of account exposition on library involvement with English can be an extraordinary method to do this. You should consider whether you might want to compose a short story, or on the off chance that you will compose something longer, and afterward work inside that. This can enable you to recognize what you might want to do on the off chance that you were allowed the chance to expound on a library.Studying tests of account paper on library involvement with English can be an extraordinary method to improve your own composing abilities. Set aside some effort to think about the entirety of the various styles, and see which you would like to have. By setting aside a little effort to investigate your alternatives, you can incredibly build your odds of getting your work distributed.

Monday, July 20, 2020

College Research Paper Help

School Research Paper HelpCollege research paper help isn't elusive. What you need is a guide. Investigate these tips for finding your school research paper help.While exploring help, above all else, attempt to get some data on your subject. You should as of now have a working information on what sort of data to incorporate and where. Numerous coaches offer this sort of direction as a feature of their administration. Some offer no guidance; and others offer responses to questions that the understudies may not know they had.Another spot to get help is the school paper. Discover what individuals are stating about courses that you wish to take. Likewise, your area of expertise will presumably have their own week by week or month to month conversation bunch that might have the option to give you direction. It is additionally conceivable to find support by finishing a school research paper help guide.If you need to utilize a coach, ensure that the mentor realizes what you are searching fo r. For instance, on the off chance that you need somebody to accomplish the difficult work, discover what their favored method of doing it is. Or on the other hand, inquire as to whether they would show you how to accomplish the work. Or on the other hand in the event that they have any recommendations for you on research techniques, at that point they ought to be happy to talk about it with you.Of course, your exploration paper assist manage with willing offer you the most immediate guidance with regards to help with your school research paper. Nonetheless, there is not a viable alternative for genuine examination on your part. Continuously recollect that great examination originates from long stretches of thoroughly considering questions and thinking about answers. Now and then, it is difficult to have the option to would this.If you like to get the best assistance, you should invest the energy and exertion. Inquire as to whether he/she has whenever as well as cash restrictions. G et some information about their field and how they intend to utilize their insight in your writing.Finally, ensure that your mentor is eager to allude you to the individuals who represent considerable authority in the point that you need to expound on. This is definitely not an exercise in futility; yet it might be useful. On the off chance that you pick one of these references, they will make a huge effort to discover the data you need.Remember, in the event that you can't do the exploration yourself, it is imperative to search out school research paper help from somebody who can. School research paper help isn't elusive, however you should do the examination so as to locate the opportune individual.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Five Paragraph Essay Examples

Five Paragraph Essay ExamplesA great author is continually searching for good five passage expositions models. With the advantages of a six-week seminar on composing like English 101, there is no explanation not to begin composing. With your own school paper composed, you have numerous potential sources to search for motivation for a decent sentence. Here are five section expositions models that I find most useful.I consistently compose the first and last sentences in each passage. They make the most feeling of working up the remainder of the sentence. Truth be told, I quite often put them toward the end. The explanation they are anything but difficult to achieve is that most journalists tend to pack and do the opening and closure together.The first sentence of one's article can be roused by another writer. The more occasions a creator utilizes a similar word, or word mix, or a sentence structure, the more I will utilize them. In the event that one discovers instances of their senten ces being utilized, they will in general recurrent this toward the start of their essay.While the thought behind the primary section is significant, the subtleties must be exact. The subtleties ought to be firmly identified with the fundamental thought, yet at the same time be similarly as fascinating. Numerous individuals ignore the subtleties. Utilizing them will assist perusers with seeing the character and their situation.The second section will be nearly precisely the same as the principal passage. This gives the understudy center around the topic without perusing a lot on the double. I will in general incorporate a note toward the finish of the section in which I give a couple of thoughts for improving it. These thoughts will include improving the structure of the article and maybe additionally separating the theme from others.The third section will be altogether not the same as the primary passage. For instance, the following passage will focuson differentiate as opposed to o ne thought originating from another. I'll make this troublesome by saying that the key is to pick a thought in the principal passage and discover one in the subsequent section to allude to. At that point I'll do likewise with the third paragraph.The fourth passage will be fundamentally the same as the past section. Be that as it may, the distinctions will be unpretentious. This is an incredible method to grab perusers' eye without mentioning to them what is different.The fifth section is a blend of the various passages. The thoughts that I remember will be unique, yet not as various as the remainder of the section. At that point the acquaintance will lead with the body of the exposition.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to Find Good Examples of Essays

The most effective method to Find Good Examples of EssaysGood instances of articles, not simply school papers, are tests of an exposition. These examples permit the article author to figure out the exposition design and the style they are composing for. Some genuine instances of papers are article tests which are intended to train understudies in the strategies for exposition composing. Understudies can figure out how to arrange their contemplations and ideas with the goal that they bode well, as opposed to being incoherent.An writer can likewise discover genuine instances of expositions on the web. They can without much of a stretch download them and read them. Numerous online destinations offer sound and video instances of expositions. Understudies can download these chronicles and hear them out and make notes.A instructor can likewise discover genuine instances of papers on the web. Instructors and teachers can visit sites with tests of papers, yet they can likewise post their own example on the web. They can make it accessible to understudies or for their own use.The best instances of expositions have been altered for clearness and can be utilized by any individual who has ever composed a solitary sentence. They have been adjusted so they are straightforward. The author should utilize any of these examples when composing a school essay.The understudy will be increasingly sure when they believe they are figuring out how to communicate their own individual thoughts and musings. The understudies need to realize that the exposition will be an impression of them, not something that is essentially being conveyed to them.These tests of articles help the understudy to perceive how different journalists introduced their thoughts and what they felt about the paper. At the point when understudies experience these examples, they will understand that composing a decent paper isn't simple. It takes composing expertise and practice to deliver a rational article that is cl ear and concise.Good instances of expositions don't come on paper. They can be found in books that are accessible in stores. You can likewise discover genuine instances of expositions online.The understudy ought not stop for a second to utilize one of these instances of papers when composing their first article. They can take a gander at these models again until they become accustomed to the organizing and structure. A smart thought is to record a summation of the thought and afterward compose it in a solitary sentence, until it bodes well. At that point they should utilize a case of an exposition as a guide.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

US History DBQ Essay Examples That Students Can Use For Better Study

US History DBQ Essay Examples That Students Can Use For Better StudyEvery US History DBQ exposition test contains distinctive key procedures that can be utilized to improve it. Nonetheless, there are various ways to deal with the strategy of composing papers as the understudies discover it very hard to comprehend the point in their brains. The accompanying exposition models can be found on the Internet and at schools.A great article is a blend of rationale and imaginative thinking. The understudies should have the option to look at the subject of the exposition through basic thinking and intelligently investigating all the purposes of the substance. It is an extremely hard errand for an understudy to compose an entire paper on the subject in light of the fact that a ton of data is included. In the event that an understudy has an away from of the point, at that point he/she can focus on utilizing the key procedures to compose a decent essay.A parcel of center gathering conversations h appen at schools on the grounds that the understudies are approached to express their sentiments on various issues. A great deal of inquiries and remarks are assembled from the discussions. This is a viable procedure for understudies to communicate their perspectives regarding the matter which can be a piece of a US History DBQ article sample.On test days, the understudies will have various motivations to discuss different subjects and it is just common that they probably won't be acquainted with all the points. A portion of the subjects that are not that well known among the understudies are talked about during the conversations with the goal that the understudies can see all the focuses that are not all that mainstream. A decent paper is one that can be comprehended by pretty much every student.Different segments of the general public have various thoughts regarding a specific subject. The US History DBQ article test will contain key methods that can be utilized to talk about vari ous subjects. There will be a paper with an argumentation area and afterward an end segment that will be a blend of the two. The parts ought to be composed so that an understudy can tail it and structure his own assessments on the topic.Sometimes, understudies don't have the foggiest idea about the whole thought behind the subject. The English Language Proficiency test gives a chance to understudies to have the option to communicate their perspectives on various subjects. The paper tests contain all the conceivable key strategies that can be utilized to respond to all the inquiries presented by the students.The utilization of the assets that are given by the online destinations is additionally helpful. A portion of the assets are copyrighted with the goal that they can be utilized by understudies in their investigations. The wellspring of information for understudies is a significant part of any sort of study that an understudy will do. The US History DBQ article tests that are acce ssible on the web are among the best that are accessible on the web.The understudies will be allowed the chance to utilize the materials in their free course. The survey is additionally valuable for the understudies who have as of now got the hang of something about the subject. The assets that are utilized for this intention is likewise obviously superior to the standard assets utilized by understudies. The nature of the learning materials is likewise much better.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Essay Topics For Your Lab Medicine Course

Exposition Topics For Your Lab Medicine CourseOne of the most significant things you ought to recollect about article subjects for your lab medication educational plan is that you need to look into the point. You would prefer not to depend on the lab educator or the teachers at your school since they may just furnish you with rules on the best way to compose the exposition. I have discovered that by investigating the point for myself, it has helped me thought of a superior arrangement on the best way to move toward the topic.When you explore your subject, you will find that you will have the option to get familiar with what the theme is about. A portion of the points you can inquire about are:- The material science of pee - Find out what occurs in the human body when somebody pees and how that influences the pee being delivered. This can truly give you understanding into why your pee may not generally look right and how to make up for this.- The inward condition of the kidney - Find out what goes on inside the kidney when somebody pees. The substance of the pee will influence the manner in which your kidney capacities which will make your pee seem unique in relation to it did before you had a urinary tract contamination.- Research on the urea cycle - This is an expansive theme and you should explore from a wide range of regions. Discover how the urinary bladder functions and how the creatinine and smelling salts levels are influenced by the urea cycle.There are numerous different themes that you can go further into as well. There are additionally different things you can look into which will give you progressively explicit data that will permit you to utilize your insight to assist you with composing your essay.One of the incredible research addresses you can ask yourself is what are a few instances of these points and what they have to do with your topic. A portion of the subjects you can look into include: The one thing you have to recall is that article them e inquire about isn't simply something that is exhausting. It can really be amazingly advantageous to you and to your vocation in the event that you decide to go that course. At long last, in the event that you get adequate at composing, your counselor or your teacher will be glad to bring up your achievements on your transcript.

Power and the Unknown in Dr. Faustus and The Tempest - Literature Essay Samples

Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and Shakespeare’s The Tempest present similar definitions of â€Å"power† through the differing circumstances of their protagonists. Power, in these plays, can be thought of as â€Å"control of the unknown.† If one character has control of something another character has no understanding of, the first character can gain power over the second. While Faustus and Prospero are both presented as highly educated and powerful magicians, Prospero is generally able to exert power over all The Tempest’s characters because he is constantly aware of what is happening, while the play’s other characters are unaware of what is occurring. Faustus, on the other hand, fails not because he is overly ambitious or proud, but because he believes himself to be in control while he is actually under Mephostophilis’ power, kept unaware of what is being done to him. Looked at together, the plays seem to offer an argument for prudence and caution when faced with the opportunity to gain power, rather than arguing against ambition as might be assumed in the case of Faustus. While the plays’ plots show it is not quite so simple, both protagonists equate knowledge with power, and so pursue learning on their quest to become more powerful. Prospero, when telling his daughter the history of how they arrived on their island, says he grew distant from his position as Duke of Milan because he was â€Å"rapt in secret studies† (1.2.176), and did not resist his usurpation because his library â€Å"Was dukedom enough† (1.2.212). Though he may be downplaying how much he values his actual dukedom to make sure Miranda remains ignorant of his ambitions, this does reveal his devotion to his studies. He does not explicitly state why he values knowledge so much, however. This is explained later by other characters. Faustus also professes a love of knowledge, but is more explicit about why, frequently equating it not only to power, but also to magic. He says that through studying his books, a â€Å"world of profit and delight / of power, of honor, of omnipotence / is promised to the studious artisan!† (1.1.51-3), explicitly showing that his purpose in studying is to gain power, specifically magical power as suggested by â€Å"omnipotence.† Possessing knowledge, however, is only part of what is required to gain power. First, the characters have to use their knowledge in a way that takes advantage of someone who does not possess the same knowledge. Prospero is cautious and never states exactly why he is so concerned with his studies, but Caliban reveals this information when he is planning with Stephano and Trinculo to overthrow Prospero. He tells them to take control of the magician’s books because without them â€Å"He’s but a sot† and â€Å"hath not / One spirit to command† (3.2.1488-9). This reveals that Prospero, much like Faustus, uses the knowledge from his books in order to gain power. This is displayed in his relationship with Ariel. Prospero does not do much magic in the play, instead commanding his servant spirit Ariel to perform magical tasks. However, in order to command a spirit that has powers such as commanding storms, Prospero must have some sort of power of his own. When Arie l briefly complains to Prospero and asks for freedom, Prospero recounts the story of how he freed the spirit from a trap he was put in by a witch, and threatens him, saying â€Å"If thou more murmurst, I will rend an oak / And peg thee in his knotty entrails till / Thou hast howld away twelve winters† (1.2.432-4). While Ariel has powers Prospero does not, the powers Prospero does possess allows him to wield Ariel like a tool. The play does not expand upon the nature of Prospero’s power over the spirit, but it is clear that Prospero has the knowledge required to free Ariel and to imprison him again, while Ariel, although very powerful, does not have this knowledge. This puts Prospero in a position of power over Ariel. Faustus’ relationship with Mephostophilis appears similar to Prospero’s relationship with Ariel, in that Faustus does little magic himself, but commands the demon to perform magical tasks. However, Marlowe’s play, unlike Shakespeare’s, actually shows the magician’s process of summoning and attempting to control his spirit. In this process, Faustus, unlike Prospero, finds himself unwittingly under the control of the spirit. Faustus’ main problem is that he becomes extremely excited by the prospect of being a powerful magician. â€Å"’Tis magic,† Faustus says to his friends Valdes and Cornelius, â€Å"magic that hath ravished me,† already convinced of his own magical power despite the fact that he has not yet performed any magic (1.1.109). When Mephostophilis appears, presumably as a result of an elaborate ritual, Faustus says â€Å"Such is the force of magic and my spells,† showing that the demon’s appearance has further confirmed his existing belief in his power (1.3.30). This, rather than the moment he accepts the demon’s bargain, is the moment in which Faustus dooms himself. He is too blinded by excitement and the idea of the power he thinks he has to appropriately process what the demon says to him. â€Å"I came now hither of mine own accord,† Mephostophilis tells Faustus, â€Å"For when we hear one rack the name of God†¦ We fly in hope to get his glorious soul† (1.3.43-8). The demon lets the audience know that Faustus, despite his elaborate ritual, did absolutely no magic. The demon came simply because Faustus blasphemed, and saw it as an opportunity to steal a soul. This means that the knowledge Faustus possessed either did not function properly, or is untrue. Therefore, Faustus has no power over Mephostophilis, because he does not have control over any knowledge the demon does not. Prospero has a similar moment in the backstory of The Tempest when his brother plans to usurp his dukedom. Rather than resisting his plans and grabbing for more immediate power, he shows prudence and chooses not to resist. Letting himself lose power allows him to come back later, regain his status, and put his daughter in a position of power. If he had chosen to resist his brother at the time, this end may not have been possible. He may have put himself at a greater disadvantage or in greater danger by resisting his brother. Faustus, rather than taking the new information he is presented with into account like Prospero did, effectively ignores Mephostophilis’ statement. He takes the path Prospero chose not to, and decides to grab for immediate power, instead of updating his knowledge in the face of a force that can overpower him and figuring out what else he can do to gain power. When Mephostophilis tells Faustus about the torment of eternal separation from the joys of Heaven, Faustus tells the demon to â€Å"Learn†¦ of Faustus manly fortitude, / And scorn those joys†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1.3.84-5). Even after Mephostophilis has refuted the idea that Faustus has done any magic, Faustus not only ignores the demon and continues to believe in his own power, but also believes that he is superior to the demon. Faustus implies that Mephostophilis is somehow weak for feeling the pain of damnation, and that he is capable of resisting such pain. Since nothing Mephostophilis does dissuades Faustus from believing in his own power, the magician unknowingly allows himself to be manipulated by the demon, thinking he has power over Mephostophilis when the demon does what he commands, as Prospero does when he commands Ariel. Unlike the relationship between Ariel and Prospero, however, the demon is the one with control over Faustus. Mephostophilis, as an entity trying to gain power over Faustus, seems to be giving Faustus a strangely large amount of information about hell and damnation, which could alter what the magician chooses to do. He probably feels justified in doing so, though, as he may be aware of the amount to which Faustus is blinded by his own illusions of power. The demon helps these illusions grow every time he obeys the magician’s commands. The demon does, however, withhold important information that allows him to maintain control over Faustus’ soul when the magician starts to doubt the wisdom of his choice. Several times in the play, Faustus expresses concern over the fate of his soul, and is visited by a Good Angel and an Evil Angel. Initially, the Evil Angel tempts him into studying magic by telling him he can be â€Å"as Jove is in the sky, / Lord and commander of these e lements,† contributing to his excitement about gaining power (1.1.75-6). Once Faustus makes his deal with Mephostophilis, though, the Angel’s statements become more ambiguous. When Faustus asks â€Å"prayer, repentance, what of these?†, the Evil Angel responds â€Å"illusions, fruits of lunacy, / That make men foolish† after the Good Angel tells Faustus these are â€Å"means to bring thee unto heaven† (1.5.16-9). The Evil Angel could be directly contradicting the Good Angel, confirming the current idea of Predestination and saying Faustus is doomed to Hell no matter what he does, implying that it is a â€Å"foolish illusion† to believe that repentance can bring Faustus to Heaven. However, there is nothing in the Evil Angel’s comment that directly states that salvation is impossible. His claim that prayer and repentance are â€Å"fruits of lunacy† could also be another way of feeding Faustus’ desire for power, suggesting t hat the only way to save himself is to abandon the earthy power, which would be â€Å"foolish† for one that values power. Faustus, still blinded by power despite his worries, always ends up listening to the Evil Angel’s suggestions, possibly confusing the ideas that â€Å"salvation is impossible† and â€Å"salvation takes away your power and potential† for one another. If any character in the play has the knowledge of whether or not Predestination is true, it is Mephostophilis, who, as a powerful demon, would likely have knowledge of who enters Hell and why. The demon purposefully withholds such information from Faustus. It could be the key to freeing Faustus from the demon’s bargain, like Prospero’s secret knowledge that could free Ariel, but Mephostophilis chooses instead to keep Faustus ignorant as to whether or not he can save himself, and Faustus, clinging to his desire for power, chooses to interpret the Angel’s ambiguous commen ts as â€Å"salvation is impossible† to sustain this desire. Because of this, Faustus more closely resembles Ariel than Prospero, despite the fact that both protagonists are ostensibly powerful magicians who control spirits, because Faustus is enslaved to Mephostophilis due to his lack of knowledge. When looked at together, these plays seem to be offering an argument for caution and prudence for people who want to maintain their positions of power. Seen in the context of The Tempest, Faustus does not fall simply due to his ambition or hunger for forbidden knowledge. Faustus is no more ambitious than Prospero, and both seem equally driven to learn, but despite these similar traits, Prospero ends the play regaining his power while Faustus is sent to Hell. This is not because Faustus is ambitious, but because he allowed his ambitions to blind him to their consequences, while Prospero is able to look at his ambitions from a longer term perspective. This allows Prospero to calculate ways to gain power without losing anything he cannot regain. One can only speculate, though, what would have happened if Ariel had been more powerful and tricked Prospero into freeing him in order to gain power over the magician. Prospero may have shown the caution he did when threatened by his brother, b ut the prospect of power may have been too hard to resist, despite any risks. This also recommends exercising caution in the face of manipulation.